b'MARKETING PARTNERSAlliances with like-minded organizations gave the HBA visibility with new and unique audiences. From Health Connect South to Reuters European Pharma event (and several in between), the HBA secured virtual stage time to extend our brand reach globally. MEDIA PARTNERSH B A A D D E D46 NEW EMGCORPORATELEADERSHIP TECHNOLOGY FINANCE STRATEGYEMBRACE FEEDBACKMODELING MOMENTUMMARKET TAILWINDSCOVIDS TACTICAL IMPACT PA R T NERS NEARLYPharmaceutical MASTER THE SCIENCE OF SUCCESS ExecutiveI N 2 0 2 1 1,500 Rod MacKenzxt o c i ie, Phitv D e,NO LIMITS TO SCIENCE, OR SELFHBA Honorable Mentor: Rod MacKenzieMEDIA MENTIONS vh fcfiieec fep drr eeansveiddl oeepne,c PeufintzermR E ACHING I Is n ae Problem f April 2021 The DifferenceWWW.PHARMEXEC.COMVOLUME 41, NUMBER 4quities in Aocr cEenstsr etopr Ceanpeiutrasl faBslt n represent one oof tmheenEmpathetic Leadership aecsktwgroomweininge ssesgems, eynetts a occf wess to stcaarptiintagl b isu stilsa major obstacle. Makes in Times Although Blac, kth weyo smtiela n of Uncertainty h aavreeas thairgthinegrbfauilsuinree srasetes,ret ma arainp ids mraateler, earn less revenue than their 3.5B People H H SANDRA HORNING equall ALVINE TREMOULET H Times of crisis create enging our eER2 A E w T H a r negative experi t t s e le h fw ines is based on then EPeople feC counterparts, and are usual c F 1y in retail or serviceT R E B S S S T E C H T e a t e um a traita ofg c has madea d e b oewenn to b t c f L a Laurie Cooked s t t b g cosms peamnpieast hoeutitcp ecrofuornmte rtpharetirs f e e.n tindAu shtrisietos.ry of s soruncia l bay ndw romaciaen l ineoqf ucolorality m oeftaen nsthhee i mpapnodretmanicge l eoaf dkeinrdsh ainpdley 20 percent. Employees want that businesse understandininccess to capital. This is due to wealtahl th athne e wveorr bkepfloarcee. clearerto io feel belonging and connieecs- have lesss a aincdhleisn dainn gi mdispcorrimtainnta tiiongnr; eledsise nsot ctioThe capacity for noticing,President & CEO,onnt raeta twinogrk, aacnhd otthhaetrrwelith daisppiatarilt,i ewuhsiness deals; and fewer mentorship andkindness and understanding, acquire b a snowbaling efectu fe, ealnindg bs eoinf gt hseonse-HealthAcsasroec Biautsioin (HBA)nesswomenswenahnadn icmesp roovveers- traiTnihnegoepnpdo rtruensuitilet s.issintidveer sttoa nthdienalhl picehrf ionrm tuarnnce change based on sustainabences. Acknowle positive experiledging the importance of ences while fixingof inequality that plays out even A Discussion on thenew challenges and advancing a diverse gr entrepreneurs.ing toamonge asrondp auths,y ,othaesrw has also of nessi.lcontinue together with senior leadership, is keye cul. a srteitpuotert,La alwisea yksnleadership posit to bTring uncePANDEMIC AND GENDER PARITYcall for both resilienceexpectations for all managers to makoup of women as managers, and setting tures more inclusive,G ro Accord aPltohl-iBcuy ildIningby ytinhga keyh our best leaders.ered itohnoss aen o fo upps oinr-theirh eef fefucttiuvreer tawinty. And it is and re-evaluation ofTremoulOrganisational change starts with building thetheeoguian dBautdiogne: tA aW average,Agenda forThis is particularly truye,iwnh tehree u nsitteyp.Tfhualtly i si nthteooepmpporattuhneitticy p imilplionrgt antottahkaetright culturet: e, but it requires leadership to drive this through Georgia Women,nde Black womensh leaardteicrus laarrley won engine room of any company. In 2019, Pfizer launched f weea lstehrcvaer ep ecoopmlemuunriitng existing normsnot just senior leaders, but the middle managers who are the our . CEOb s earne sjsuesst prcestn t2 ande H someleadership in a way that placesaction. By being transparent, Albert Bourla has made it cl wuosmineesnsse busin earne ju 8 prciespnta noicf of the most vulnerable times oflistening and understanding new companfrom meetings, pr every decision we taky values: courage, exe, must be guided by these valear that evercellence, joyything we do, and , and equityues. the revenue earned by white women-ownedaeclcveesss,i bwlee,caanndhveullpn teora cbrleea oteu ra- and, in some cases, paid leaves of absence. Challonal benefits for childcar WDHVAATN ISC EAMNE ENXTA INM GPLEEN ODFE RA NPA ERXICTYIT IINNG THbusDineesspsietes .al of the chalenges, minority womentheBiru tli vthesi.s past year has madeaat ttihoen conrdeoefv eevryerye ccoismiomnu. nAin-more empathetic culture that assumptions, researovided additi emote working can in re-considerati ch showed that ron for minoritics stres comparesses red with esultedHOEADLATYH?CARE AND PHARMACEUTICAL SECTORSivalhave. It is at the very founda- an penatghaegteicdwoorrkkfpolracceeeq uanalds w is under coactually lead to gron of careater inclthough the pandemieer fusior manons about empy women, the silloyver lining earning, eesadodrrnesinsign:g I mthe e CxcOiteVdI Db-y1 9th pea ncodnetmribicu ti tohnes h oefa wltohm creinsi sin oare stil starting and succeeding in business, whichchleaanrat hsaotf t esmkiplt ohry a ins icme-otore-em w to businessbuilill dsse grrveea tuerstlrounsgt.Tarftuesr ntthroislt that in-person meetings. Alis that managers and l a century. The advent of mRNA vac inu seo tmo eth cea lsaecskios fn eemcepslosayrmy feonrt e ocpopnoormtuinci tsieursv. that translatespandemicst above al else work life balance and welloactive coneaders r-being. That develesponded by listening, lversatiand engaging in pr dhave a lasting benefit for women and men in the workplace. opment shouldr0c2e tnBe t r rfi eaarn A tifofenc toifv we lheaatd ietr .means to be ansuy crceessesa. rTchhi, si nhcalsu bdienengap rsotvuednyThe pandemic provides a rare opportunity for sustainedfoundationptahile,r noctua rgoehfetrPh-lreio znperg.eFswetoimgriako luoes fle2Ka0adt2ea1rl sLin aw sKekaererrikrAeows,p awrohdno sai inbsld et hWnotmioennetst Ee nBtarlel,p CreEnOe uanrida lF Ooupnpdoertru, nitybheacta ualsleo iwt sis f otrru tdheed c troe amtieveet a onudrchange and a better wa fe ecksitdt re yam nwe aarnsg tesihnvaicrryae lda. uA btdhyd otiwrtiizooa nwtaioolmnys, e tnoh,f e aw2Ch0o2Os0Ve N IwDoo-b1rek9li Ps rizeProject, Inc. (WEOP) 202W0 ihthasblrol utghhet ucsh, athle nygeaers trhoamtHfoaurnvadr dt hBauts inemesps aRtehveietwic agreilaet aesctt icohna nleenges. Tremoulet: McKinsey ry to work. eported that womens jobs are 1.8 timesvoacr 2cinemore vulnerable to the pandemie up 39% of glc than menobal emps jobs, and that loyment, theyin vColhuetmioinsizing pharmaceutical discovery. What teralthough women mak re y, 2020-2B0u2s1in Wesoswmoanm oenf tsh Aes Yseoacria HtieoanlthcareGlobal Diversity and Inclusion Lead, Pfizer account for 54% of overall job losses. So, therues, we ensury affected overall. We is no doubt that ed to constanith tlyfo rida melesoirdnee ptlshre efs oelarn swtta oytimeoanernao!m nW oBnhogiale rad lslts w iol o m ifinco orrit @MEDIAPLANETUSA@ F UU UI N EINQUIRIES: US.EDITORIAL@MEDIAPLANET.COM AND US.ADVERTISE@MEDIAPLANET.COMPLEASE RECYCLEEquity being one of our cor stm Doieernefc ualtnloyrd isnwm otahmdeee m nm iorasfj who women have been disprents, specifioportie valonatelcally on our female talents,colouraided by legislation in California and investocheck in on our talgender parity. We speak to two industrast, and has ey thought leven extended to the raders to find out how the ealm ofparents, and carease regivers. Wepresene also ensurtation of femaled we stuck to the goals es at VP+ by 2025.aroer dtehm foalnlodwiningg d. iverse boards. This is an important trendaocdkfsroeynCLoevaedr E Photo ditor VIE W ERS T T The fallout of the pandemic is v a i i s n p sic.Tremouly, and studi I ather than derail theirwe set to incr N WITHIN THEIRTuurecrcomepsoesuf wulelh tip:c rFhoo girsra1d0me symeigaenr scea,d lP ltfieodzdeFreev hmealaosl ipenfAvusetpsutierriedn f igenm T aaa lhleeign leht ilanyd ees rs.esPublisher Devan Schwartz Business Developer Joele Hernandez Mannaaggeinrg J oDrdiraenc tHoerr nLauncdiaenz aD Oirelscotonr ny JGay CAN LEADERS REMAIN EDUDCA TOTE GD EINN,Doef aSda lDes eSstigenpehra nTiief fKainngyPDriyreocrt oDre osfi gPrnoedru TcitSA fFaa yTeo dPA SCIOUS OF, AND COMMITTE Mhinra isFtoapnhoeursPCaotepyyEAdlilt pohro Ktaotsh aleree nc rWedailtsehdPtaor tGneetrtsyh Iimp aangde Ds uisntlreibssu toiothne Mrwise specified. This section was created by Mediaplanet and did not involve Upharmaceutical industrove female ry is harnessing the crisis to advepresentation across the sectorance r. COORNWITNY AALN CDU ILNTUCLRUESSI?OFiemeds btaoc ckh ios ocsoen asi mstiexn tolfy p oaurttisctaipnadnitnsg f.u Tnhceti soenlaelcltyio an dp rocesmission to impr INTERHorning:ledging, understanding, and embracing the diversitygheoeigrr acaprheiecra. lTlyh, urosugHIGWH Y LACKING?et: The pandemic clearly did not affect everommissiyone onof experiThe first step to parity and inclusion ism ualhl yaicno tmhbe ienaartliieornoorfmdeidvdelloep smtagenestoan,fda nd acknowHEO ALT LHHIGACASH RTTHEED EWACHNOEVDRI EID MG-1PE9AN PCDATEENRDD P AAERMREIIACTY SOHAF S BEENfound that 76% of healthcar eport by the EU Ce workers and 86%leaders to coences of womenan umbr th oeaontl sit ntohrvieenysg tn ,i enitewdp rootmov ipedrneo sga rrtehees psmr io nvw teihtnhe t iorthbceae rk meneoorr wpeal estudhgcsce. eB, ssuksfsiuilnlsl. HISTORICAL of personal car le, a re and social car employees and, along with external data, experimenella term. Id encourage om their t with of its victims. For exampes have shown that gender equality was onellect objective and subjective data frtoowranridn gg:e nDdeesrp iptaer citley,a trh gea diniss pinro pheoartltiho naantderedoulec aotfi wono menthey were dispre workoportiers in healonately affth serected by worklvices were women. So, oad challenges and health risk. Times of crisis often can result in setbacks to the provisi positive progress. in househoolcdnKroienfs scpehoyin lrdseicpbaoirleritt,ywo naan sWd u ocnmamreeangs ikvienind t ghb,ey esWtphoeer cpkiaaplnlldayc eienmhnihcgehr e2lmi0g2he1nt Metda ltlyh aattawlol cmoernpos rraetper elesv eenlst,a btiuotnthhaesr ei mcopnrtoivneudeHOW HAS THE PHARMACO FEUE TMTHIACE LAPEAL W NODERMKIFCOSR CE?RNEDPEURSCTURYSS RIOESNPSO FNODRE DIT STtotht rbeie tr iesosigno aintfi stceha etno mttdahinsepa pagarenirtd lieeevsm efloic aranwndod bm aeneyo na nowdfakcfooelnr oiaunlrlgwa tnoom ds oecni.aol p.Horning: Times of crisis create new challenges and call for both r uation of existing norms. onvjeurctoicme eh teolp asc ahdiedvree sas r tohbeuses tb pairpreielirns,e w ahndic ph amriutys ta bt te he t Pharmaceutiesilical companience and rand created highly flexibe-evalles listened to their empe work agreements, protected time loyees needs 20 212 READ MORE AT FUTUREOFBUSINESSANDTECH.COM2 0 2 1'