b"A C T I V A T E. A D V O C A T E. A C H I E V E.2 0 2 1 H B A A N N U A L C O N F E R E N C E 8 - 1 0 N O V E M B E R1 3 7 6 1 2 0 + S P E A K E R SB R E A K O U T R E G I S T R A T I O N S advocated for safe spaces,S E S S I O N SandH U B representingopportunities to grow, and S E S S I O N Swere 2 1 5 C O M P A N I E Sandtrailblazing opportunities available on demand for three 2 3 C O U N T R I E S for an unwritten future. months after the conference.3 1 4 P A R T I C I P A N T S I N L E A R N I N G C I R C L E SLEARNINGCIRCLES These participants experienced the Annual Conference journey in small, facilitator-led Learning Circles in which they shared resources, reflections, and forged new relationships.F O U R K E Y N O T E S JESSICA MATTHEWS HAYDEN MAJAJAS ANGELA HWANG ROMILA DR. ROMIE Innovator and CEO, Head of Global Diversity,Group PresidentMUSHTAQUncharted Equity, and Inclusion,of PfizerNeurologist, Chief Takeda Biopharmaceuticals Wellness Officer, Mindful Leadership ExpertW O M A N O F T H E Y E A R S E T S R E C O R DThe pandemic limited the HBA to a virtual event but it didn't restrain the celebration. Registrations soared to a record 7,000+ ticket holders who joined from screens around the world to watch the honorees take the stage live in New York for a most engaging event.woman 7,000+ ticket holders from 21 countries year 156 Rising Stars and Luminaries of theNearly 60 sponsorsv i r t u a l6 m a y 2 0 2 1 28 Spotlights of Inspiration# h b a w o t y 2 123 intimate micro-communities 7 guest speakers3 remarkable award winners1 incredible after party2 0 2 1"