b'P A R T N E R SPRADICAL HOSPITALITYhas defined the HBA for more than four decades but it also extends to the company we keeplike our corporate, marketing, and media partners. At a time when differences are part of the common rhetoric, we are proud that our experience is quite the opposite. Whether large or small, domestic or global, or colleagues or competitors, our partners set differences aside and join together with the HBA advocating for an equitable workplace for ALL. This collective force had an exponential impact reaching audiences far and wide across the globe.156 H B A A D D E DRISING STARS AND LUMINARIES IN 2021, 46 NEWFROM 104 OF OUR CORPORATEPARTNER COMPANIES CORPORATE 69LUMINARIES AND87RISING STARS PA R T NERSI N 2 0 2 1C O R P O R A T E P A R T N E RI N D U S T R Y S E C T O R SPharmaceuticals35%OUR ASSOCIATIONS NEARLY Biotechnology17%172 CORPORATEConsulting13%PARTNERS Marketing/Advertising/PR10%Medical Devices7%REPRESENT A WORKFORCE OFOther7%5,636,651 Technology/Data Services6%Diagnostics3%Clinical Research Organization2%8'