b'Advancing For more than 30 years, Gilead has worked to develop medicines that address Therapeutics, areas of unmet medical need for people around the world.Improving Our portfolio of medicines and pipeline of investigational drugs include treatments Lives. for HIV/AIDS, liver diseases, cancer, inflammatory and respiratory diseases,Passionate about and cardiovascular conditions. patient care Every day we strive to transform and simplify care for people with life-threatening Eisais passionate commitment to patient careillnesses.is the driving force behind our efforts tond innovative solutions that help address unmetGILEAD CONGRATULATES DR. SANDRA HORNING medical needs and contribute to the well- AS THE 2020 HBA WOMAN OF THE YEAR AND being of patients worldwide. With therapies inTHE HBA LUMINARY AWARD HONOREES,oncology and neurology,we focus on havingMARNI KOTTLE AND ANU OSINUSI.Eisai is proud to congratulate an impact on patients and their families. At Kristy Como Eisai, human health care is our goal.on her Rising Star AwardCongratulations to all of the 2020 HBA honorees!For more information, please visitwww.gilead.com.CORP-US0023 2020 Eisai Inc. All rights reserved. April 2020 www.eisai.com/us2020 Gilead Sciences, Inc.CORP-US0023 Kristy Como 2020 HBA.indd 1 3/10/20 1:50 PM'