b'IBM Watson Health is passionate about transforming healthWith more than 100 years of work on inclusion and equality in the workplace, we believe diversity is a critical piece of that transformation.Congratulations to 2020 Luminary Award Winner Mary We are dedicated toVarghese Presti! championing women inFrom the front lines as \x0e\x04\x12\x1a\x0e\x03\x19\x15\x03\x1a\x0e\x1f\x03\x07\x04\x14\x03\x1b\x12\x12\x12\x03 a nurse to leading strategic planning in their career aspirations andpharma and now serve as leaders and roledriving tech innovation to improve the clinical models in the industry andtrial process, Mary is a \x1a\x0e\x0f\x18\x03\x07\x15\x13\x13\x1b\x14\x0f\x1a\x0f\x19N powerhouse. Thank you for your 20+ year commitment to the healthcare industry and your outstanding leadership at IBM.'