16  |  HBAdvantage The HBA global community of 50,000 consists of nine regions, 40+ chapters and affiliates spanning the U.S. and Europe THERE’S ICING ON THIS CAKE Change management and dealing with change effectively is a core leadership competency. Many volunteer leaders who helped us transition have observed firsthand the components of significant organizational change. They’ve seen how a new future state gets designed and defined; and/or how to leverage the insights and input from many to build consensus and buy-in; and/or how to drive progress with a collection of small, medium and large steps. A few outstanding volunteer leaders have used their experience as an HBA change agent to position themselves for new roles in their own companies where change will be or is happening. We encourage all our volunteer leaders to reflect on their experi- ence and learnings of the past year and to translate those into stories into resume content which could provide a competitive edge and set you apart (i.e. ahead) from the other candidates vying for your next position.  INCLUSION  |  PROFESSIONAL ENRICHMENT  |  BUSINESS GROWTH  |  RADICAL HOSPITALITY